Disunatake tumrape wong suwiji yentho depe depe maring Gusti Alloh kelawan dedongo Nalikane ono lindu , angin gedhe,Bledek,Gerahono ,Lan disunatake sholat ono ing ngomahe{oro jama;ah} Ikilah dongane:

Circumcision, praying for each person and draw closer to Allah "when there is a great wind, earthquake, lightning and pray two cycles each at home and do not in congregation, this is the prayer

اللّهمّ انّي أسألك خيرها وخير مافيها وخير ماارسلت به وأعوذبك من شرّها وشرّمافيها وشرّماارسلت به اللّهمّ اجعلها ريا ولاتجعلها ريحا