Nasab :
Sayyid Abu Muhammad Abdul Qadir was born in Naif, Jailan, Iraq, during Ramadan 470 H, coincides with the year 1077 AD His father named Saheeh, a descendant of Hadhrat Imam Hasan taqwa, ra,
the first grandson of the Prophet, the eldest son of Imam Ali and Fatimah ra ra, beloved daughter of the Apostle. His mother was the daughter of a trustee, Saumai Abdullah, who is also still descendants of Imam Hussein, ra, the second son of Ali and Fatima. Thus, Syed Abdul Qadir was once Huseini Hasani. When asked about what mengantarkanya to the station of spiritual high, he replied, "honesty is never promised to my mother."
Then the sheikh tells the following story: On one morning at the Feast of Eid al-Adha, I went into the fields to help farming. When walking behind the donkey, the animal suddenly turned and looked at me and said, "you created this sort of thing is not to" hear the animals speak, I was very frightened. I immediately ran home and climbed Kea tap home. When looking into the future. I saw clearly was wukuf pilgrims at Arafat. My mom went and pleaded with him, "let me down the path of truth, let me go in search of knowledge along with sages and people close to Allah." When my mother asked why the sudden desire, tell you what happened. Penuturanku heard, he was weeping bitterly. However, he was out of eighty pieces of gold-the only treasure the legacy of my father. he set aside forty pieces for my brother. Dijahitkanya forty other pieces in my coat sleeve. He gave me permission to go as intestate so I was always being honest, whatever happens. Before parting, my mother said, "my son, may Allah protect and guide you. I willingly release my fruit because Allah. I realized I was not going to see you again until the Day of Resurrection. " I joined a small caravan to Baghdad. just left the town of Hamadan, a group of robbers, consisting of sixty people riding, looking at us. They seized all the property of members of the caravan. One of the robbers approached me and asked, "young man, what do you have?" I say that I have forty pieces of gold. He asked, "Where?" I say, 'under ketiaakku. "He was laughing and go left. Another robber came over and asked the same question. I answered truthfully. But sepertio friend, she went out, laughing mockingly. Both robbers were probably report me to the leader, because it was not long before the gang leader called me to approach them is to divide the result of robberies. Sipemimpin asked if I memilki treasure. I answered that I had forty gold coins sewn on the sleeve of my coat. He took my coat, she was torn, and he found the gold pieces itu.keheranan, he asked, "why did you tell us when it was safely hidden treasure?" "I must say honestly because my mom has promised to always be honest." And in tambahkanya if he lied, it will not attempt to draw meaningful religious knowledge. Hearing the answer, the leader of the robbers fell down crying. He said, "I remember my promise to him who created me. During this time I had taken the treasure and kill people. How great was the disaster that would happen to me? "The men who witnessed the incident said," you lead us into sin. Now, step out in repentance! "Sixty-one was holding my hand and repent. Narrated, that the robber's head was his first disciple. This event shows the process of becoming Shiddiq. If he is not right, then such strong courage for truth, in times of crisis, it was impossible for him. Learning in Baghdad During the study Baghdad, because in such an honest and generous, he was forced to have to endure suffering. Thanks to the talents and piety, he quickly mastered all the sciences at that time. He proved himself as the greatest jurist of his time. However, a deeper longing ruhaniahnya anxious to manifest itself. Even in his youth, when immersed in learning, he was fond musyahadah *). He often fasted, and did not want to ask for food from anyone, even to go for days without food. In Baghdad, he would often come across people who think all-spiritual, and berintim with them. During this search, he met with Hadhrat Hammad, a seller of syrup, which is a great guardian of his time. Gradually this became supervisor of spiritual guardians, Abdul Qadir. Hadhrat Hammad is a guardian that hard, so hard Sufi therefore treated this growing. But this ghauts candidate receives all of this as a correction for ruhaninya disability. After completing his studies, he was increasingly hard on himself. He began to ripen away from all of the needs and pleasures of life. Time and energy devoted to praying and reading the holy Quran. Prayers in such a time-consuming, so often he prayed without ablution shubuh again, because it has not been canceled. Also narrated, he often finished reading the Qur'an in one night. During this spiritual exercise, avoid contact with men, so she did not meet or talk with anyone. If you want to go for a walk, she traveled around the desert. Eventually he left Baghdad and settled in Syustar, twelve days' journey from Baghdad. For eleven years, he shut out the world. The end of this period marks the end of his training. He received nur was looking for. Self-animal has now been replaced by noble beings. Sheikh abdul Qodir emerged as an important example which shows that in Islam, seeking knowledge is a sacred duty for every Muslim and Muslimah, from cradle to grave. He has outperformed the greatest Sufis in zamanya. He memorized the Quran, and learned commentators to Ali Abul Wafa al-Qayi, Abu Al-Khattab Mahfuzh, and Abul Hasan Muhammad al-Qadi. According to some sources, he learned to Qadi Abu Sa'id al-Mubarak ibn Ali al-Muharrami, renowned scholar of his time in bahgdad. Although Sheikh Abdul Qodir tassawuf learning from Shaykh Hammad al-Dabbas and entered the congregation road through it, he himself in the mantle bestowed dervish, symbol cloak of the Prophet. By Qadi Abu Sa'id. Qadi Abu Sa'id spiritual genealogy can be traced through the sheikh Abul Hasan Ali Muhammad al-Qurasyi, Abul Faraj al-Tarsusi, al-Tamimi, Shaykh Abu Bakr al-Shibli, Abul Qosim, Sari al-Saqati, Ma'ruf al-Karkhi , Dawud al-Tha'I, Habib al-A'zhami, and Hasan al-Basri to arrive at Sayyidina 'Ali ibn Abi Talib. Sayyidina 'Ali received a robe dedication of the Prophet Muhammad., Beloved Lord of Hosts, who received from Gabriel, and he received it from the Most Correct. One day, someone asked the sheikh Abdul Qodir about what it received from Allah swt. He replied, "science and noble character" Qadi Abu Sa'id al-Muharrami teaching in madrasahnya in chapter al-Azj, Baghdad. Then he handed it to Sheikh Abdul madrasa Qodir, who has been a professor there. At that time, Sheikh Abdul Qodir fifty years old. Ucapanya a very eloquent and powerful, able to affect anyone who heard it. The disciples and the congregation grew rapidly. In a very short time, there's no place else in the madrasa was to accommodate them. Sheikh abdul Qodir told me about the first moments pengajaranya: One morning I met the Messenger saw.yang asked me, "Why are you silent?" I said, "I am a Persian, how I can speak fluent Arabic in Baghdad?" "Open your mouth" said the Messenger of Allah. I obeyed his orders. Messenger of Allah seven times blowing my mouth and said, "berdakwalah and invite them to thy Lord with wisdom and good words." Then I prayed Dzhuhur and headed to meet the people who have met people who have been waiting for my lecture. We saw them, I'm nervous. My tongue became numb. Suddenly I saw Imam Ali approached me and asked me to open my mouth. Then he blew his breath into my mouth as much as six times. I asked, "why not seven times as the Messenger of Allah?" "Because I respect the Messenger," said Imam Ali, and he passed. Immediately all words that rolled so smoothly from my mouth: "reason is the divers, who dive into the deep heart to find the pearls of wisdom. If he took it to the edge of its form, it will trigger the pronunciation of words, and with that he bought the pearl of worship and devotion to Allah ,..,," then say, "on a night like my nights a natural, if one of you can conquer lust, death will be a very beautiful, so for him, and there is nothing that can match keindahanya. " From that moment onwards, either when awake or asleep, I always carry my duty senagai faculty. There is so much science and religious faith in me. When I could not talk or pronounce it, I felt it glide science by itself. When I started teaching, there are only a few students who listened to me. However, shortly later, they increased to seventy thousand people. Madrasah and his cabin was no longer able to accommodate the followers. It takes a larger place. The rich and the poor to help construct buildings. The rich helping the poor with their wealth and strength. Even the women in Baghdad were helped. Sheikh Abd al-Gilani Qodir are scholars and priests in religious sciences, theology, and jurisprudence, as well as leading figures Shafi'I and Hanbali schools. Its existence is a very great member benefit for everyone. Prayer and kutukanya always dikabulkan.ia have many privileges. He is a perfect human being who always remember Allah, bertafakkur, reflecting, and learning and teaching. His heart was soft, courteous behavior, and her face always looked cheerful. He also was always sympathetic and maintain a noble behavior. In the eyes of the people, he appears as a highly authoritative, generous, and loved member assistance in the form of money, advice, and science. He menyayamgi others, especially the believers who obey and worship Allah always. Penampilanya always awake so it looks handsome and debonair. He does not like talking too much. If you talk to, though fast, each word or tribe-he said loud and clear. Speech in the mannered and who said it was the truth. He is to report the truth loudly and firmly. he did not care whether other people will praise, criticize, criticize, or even scold. Sheikh Abdul Qodir continues to apply morals and noble qualities in every single teaching and preaching to men. Of this he once said: "A spiritual teacher will not be the ultimate teacher unless he has twelve kinds of properties. Two of them are hiding the shame of man and all creatures, not only from others but also from her own and was willing to forgive even the most severe errors. There are two traits inherited from the Prophet Muhammad., That is love and tenderness. From Sayyidina Abu Bakr, the first caliph, a true teacher inherited honesty, sincerity, loyalty, and generosity. From Sayyidina Umar, he inherited a justice and unjust verdicts, ma'ruf nahi. From Sayyidina ustman, he inherited the habit tawadhuk and praying at midnight when people are asleep. from Sayyidina 'Ali, he inherited the knowledge and truth. Sheikh Abdul Qodir become a father for the tens of thousands of followers. He knew their names and care about world affairs and their spiritual condition. He helped and saved them from danger even though they are far away from the sides. He was confidant and being lembutkepada small children. While the older, he would always be polite and respect them. Sheikh Abdul Qodir has submitted himself to Allah. night gone through with little or no sleep at all for tahajud and pensive. As true followers of Prophet Muhammad., He used his lunch to devote themselves to humanity. Three times a week he lectured in front of thousands of people. Every morning and evening he teaches Tafseer, Hadith, tawhid, fiqh, and Sufism. After praying Dzhuhur, he filled the time with the member's advice to the people, whether beggars or kings, who came from various parts of the world. Before mahgrib, either as rain or sunny, he traced the streets to distribute bread to the indigent. Because fasting is almost throughout the year, he ate only once a day after the maghrib prayer and never alone. The valet stand at the door as he asked each person passing by whether they were hungry and then ask them to eat together sheikh. Sheikh Abdul Qodir died on Saturday, 8th Rabi al-Tsani 562 H./1166 M. at the age of 91 years. His grave is blessed, which is located in Bab al-Darajah madrasa in Baghdad has become an important shrine for the Muslims, and especially the Sufis. When he suffered pain that resulted in his death, his son, Abdul-azis see him grimacing with pain extraordinary. Sheikh rolling on the bed. "Do not worry about me," she said to her son. "I was changing constantly in the knowledge of Allah." When his son, Abdul-Jabbar, asked the body that feels pain, the sheikh responded, "everything, except my heart. There was no pain a bit for this part because he was with Allah. " Another son, Abd al-Wahhab said to him, "Give me my advice can last a amalkan after father's death." Sheikh said, "afraid to Alloh.berharaplah only to Allah, and pass all of his needs kepadan. Do not expect or want nothing other than Allah. To put thy trust in Allah only, together with his outstretched arm, unite with Him. " Before his death he looked around and said to the people who attend, "those who have never seen you guys have come to me. Provide space and being santunlah to them. I was content without the skin. You saw me with you, when I'm with the others. Leave me alone. "Then he said," O angel of death, I'm not afraid of you or anything except Allah who has been with me and be nice to me. " At the last second, she lifted her hand and said, "there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger. Praise be to Him, who has power, which hamban Beat him with death. " After the call out, "Allah, Allah, Allah, 'his soul left his body. May Allah bless his soul and his soul to intercede to the indigent who wrote these words, to everyone who made this post here and for those who membacanya.Amin Now, while the mayor, his son and his students founded a Thariqoh, in order to enrich the spirituality of Islam and Islamic teachings among the people of the world, namely Thariqoh Qadiriyah, which until now known for adherence to the principles of shari'ah. This has been such a big Thariqoh services for revival of 'Islamic world', and his contributions to Sufism is infinite. Three of the records of advice and teaching to reach a worldwide reputation. The most remarkable is FUTUH AL-the unseen, the translation is presented below. In addition, Fath al-Rabbani, a collection of sixty-eight sermons, delivered between the years 545 H and 546 H. The third is a QASIDAH, a poem which describes the role and ranking guardian in ecstatic language. This poem is called al-Ghautsiyya Qasidah. As another Thariqoh, Thariqoh Qadiriyah today, seem more inclined to the last minutes of this, from the other works, which includes advice on self development, and a message from the unseen nature. Apart from the errors of his admirers at today, the influence of the mayor in the history of Islamic extraordinary. Gleaming like emeralds sparkling personality of Islamic spirituality today, as in past history