West Sumatra is known aspect of Traditional Minang Syarak coded, coded Syarak Kitabullah led by three main pillars, Ulama, the prince and outrigger Clever. Scholars in the realm of Minang, as role models people usually have expertise in Islamic sciences, science Tariqat and often also equip yourself with knowledge Pencak Silat. The story we will follow this time is one example of the role of scholars in the realm of Minang, in coaching people in the middle of the various shocks of time.
In the South Coastal area once known Banda Sapuluh then South Coast and Kerinci, live a people known scholar role model all layers of society that is Sheikh Abdul Munaf Bakrin famous lord calls more popular again with Lubuk Buya, who originally taught the science of the Shari'a in the form halaqah surau.
Sheikh Abdul Munaf Bakrin title Sutan Tuanku Mudo-Malin, born in Taeh Pulai Koto, Koto Belantai barung barung-XI Tarusan ± 44 km from Padang in August 1901 AD and died on March 31, 1984 M.
Sheikh Abdul Munaf is a child of the couple Bakrin H. Abu Bakar and Siti mother Dawn Chaniago. Siti's mother Dawn was a devout and gentle and good at martial arts.
Since Small Munaf Bakrin nurtured by both parents, then attended the village school three years. For mastering the religious sciences, Munaf learn the Qur'an in the dim, Kec. Harau 50 Cities. Then the teacher moved around religion. Among them are dim Buya, Buya Ibrahim, Tiakar Payakumbuh, Buya Ruslan in Limbukan, Sulayman ar-Apostolic Buya (Buya Candung) Bukittinggi, Jamil Jaho Buya (Buya Jaho) Padang Panjang, and learn Tariqat Naqsyabandiyah by Buya Sheikh M. New Market Thaib Padang Pauh managed to get a diploma until the Caliph.
Having enough knowledge, Munaf Bakrin then recite and perform religious teaching of the mosque to mosque and the village of Banda district Sapuluh. Munaf Bakrin developing and teaching courses Naqsyabandiyah Tariqat Sunniah Syafi'iyah. Munaf Bakrin then was appointed lord by Sheikh Maulana Young HM. Thaib, as well as the Caliph Angku New surau Mursyid local 1932 Naqshbandi Tariqat Banda Sapuluh in surau Lubuk Long-barung barung Belantai Tarusan Koto XI.
From the experience of preaching here, Munaf Bakrin grown into a scholar who has been actively leading the community, including in the political struggle. As involved in the rebellion against the Dutch in 1926. At that time, Munaf Bakrin even arrested and detained in the Netherlands Tangsi Muaro. But then escape from custody and wander again to increase the knowledge and experience to the islands of Malaya and Singapore.
In the Japanese era, the spirit of patriotism Munaf Bakrin comeback. Because of the respect by the Japanese many young men thrown into Digul can be saved by making their students in the mosque Lubuk and Japan can justify it.
During the Revolution of Independence established Lasymi (Indonesian Muslim paramilitary troops) on the South Coast and Kerinci (PSK) direct Intendannya Commander.
Independence Period
As a scholar-Sunniyah Syafi'iyah, Munaf Bakrin together scholars and community leaders who shared the Union established branches Tarbiyah Islamiyah founded by Buya Candung PSK district. At the time Perti Perti changed into Islamic Party, then the district to adjust and direct PSK Islamic Party stood by Munaf Bakrin Perti Buya Thariqatnya directly as Chairman of the Board.
In 1950 was appointed sebagal Bakrin Munaf Hakim on Sharia Makmar Painan. During PRRI remained loyal to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, he has been appointed as Advisor to the Regent South Coast.
Year 1960-1970 Bakrin entrusted Munaf holds Perti Branch Executive Chairman as well as leaders of South Coastal districts PPTI. After the decree Buya Candung, Perti become Tarbiyah lslamiyah Union, in 1969 immediately became Chairman of the Union DPD Tarbiyah Islamiyah South Coast district. Year 1977-1982 to be members of the Parliament of South Coastal District of Golkar.
Developing Thariqot Naqsyabandiyah
Once elected and inaugurated as Mursyid by Buya Sheikh Khalifah M. Market-Angku Thaib Big Dipper in surau Lubuk Long, taught by founding Suluk Tariqat Naqshbandi, as well as the challenges adherents Khurafah superstition and science of Witchcraft and flavor rivaled pengamal Tariqat which had already developed.
Furthermore berdatanglah students who want to learn and implement seclusion Tariqat Naqsyabandiyah from areas Sapuluh Banda, the city of Padang. Munaf Bakrin later develop into the Naqshbandi Tariqat waging Siguntur Young. Munaf Pengajian bakrin then extend down to the Lubuk Niur, Indrapura, Muko-Muko Lubuk Pinang North Bengkulu District, Bay of sackcloth, stone cage and Padang.
To disseminate knowledge, Sheikh Abdul Munaf Bakrin lift the caliphs in their respective regions and set up small mosque where wirid Tawajuh. Sheikh Abdul Munaf Bakrin come and guide them in rotation in places established Halqah Khatwat (Suluk). this activity is carried on throughout life.
Sheikh Abdul Munaf Bakrin very instrumental in the unification of Islamic doctrine with Tariqat. Sheikh Abdul Munaf Bakrin cadres led to a religious school (Madrasah MT) in the area and Bukitinggi Payakumbuh. However, Sheikh Abdul Munaf Bakrin also established a Madrasah / Pesantren the inheritance of high mewakafkan for residential boarding school in Taeh.
Sheikh Abdul Munaf Bakrin supports the full and genuine Qur'anic education, which requires the translation of the Qur'an lessons led by Ibn Abbas (children) with Nurul Yaqien education. Sheikh Abdul Munaf Bakrin make Nurul Yaqien as the name for all the small mosque and the mosque under the shade, both in the South Coast as well as outside the South Coast in the hope that education and the translation of the Qur'an is taught by the caliphs to the pilgrims in the region respectively.
Sheikh Abdul Munaf Bakrin also assigned to the caliphs, pilgrims and heir to repair and build a new mosque that has been eaten Lubuk age. And mandates to all caliphs and pilgrims to always work with governments at all levels and religious leaders, traditional leaders and community leaders for not preclude the implementation of Tariqat Naqsyabandiyah courses and participate in developing and implementing ma'ruf nahi unjust verdicts, gently, politely but firmly.
The atmosphere before and now Deceased
About thirty days approaching the day's death, Buya not want to eat and drink and should not be rebuilt because it was sick and remembrance. Just get up in the beginning of each prayer time for purification and ablution, prayer in lying directly facing mecca.
We always heard the words before the death of God, God, finally departed Buya Presence of God by saying la ilaha illallah with a calm face lit up. Lillahi wa inna inna ilaihi raji'un.
(By Syaifullah Amen. Excerpted from Sheikh Abdul Munaf Bakrin Book: Modeling and warrior scholars, the works of Ibn Abbas Munaf Sheikh H, SH)