Tgk M Saleh Bin Abdul Aziz, is a fairly influential figure for the people of Aceh. One of his role is, Dayah Ma'hadal Ulum Mosque Diniyah Islamiyah (Mesra Mudi) Samalanga, Bireun district, so as to achieve rapid progress.
Progress is now forwarded by the board after his foster mother. Mudi Mesra new leaders to develop educational foster mother became the Islamic University (STAI) without leaving the educational pattern santri foster mother who now has around 3000's.
Tgk. H. M. Abdul Aziz Bin Saleh. He is one of Aceh's charismatic cleric who often greeted with Abon Samalanga or more fondly known as Abon 'Aziz Mosque Samalanga or Abon Samalanga. He was born in the village of North Aceh district Samalanga cage (now-District Youth and Sports) in the month of ramadan in 1351 H / 1930 AD
Abon nurtured and raised in Jeunieb with both parents, his father had served as head of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) Jeuniub and is also a cofounder of Dayah 'Atiq Jeuniub so Abon from her childhood has begun to learn science in religious education and Abon foster mother at that time living in Jeuniub.
When age Abon has matured, Abon marry a girl in the village Mideun Samalanga Jok who is the daughter who was a leader of his own teacher Dayah Islamic Education Institute (LPI) Dayah Ma'hadal Ulum Mosque Diniyah Islamiyah (Mudi Mesra) Samalanga at that time was so blessed Abon four children, namely Alm. Hj. suaibah, hj shalihah, Tgk H Masyitah Thaillah and Hj.
Abon start learning in formal education in 1937, entered the school Abon People (SR) and basically graduated in 1944. From 1944 he studied on his parents for two years, then in 1946 he moved to learn to Dayah LPI Mudi Samalanga the Grand Mosque at the time was led by Haji Hanafiah Tgk (Tengku Abi) is more or less over two years.
In 1948 Abon continued his education to one led by Teungku dayah Ben (Teungku Tanjongan) Matangkuli in North Aceh district. In this dayah Abon learning at the required Tanjongan Tengku Idris with the year 1949 and that year he returned to the Masjid Raya Dayah LPI Mudi Samalanga to devote themselves to become teachers at the foster mother.
Devoted to Dayah
After Tgk. H. M. Abdul Aziz Bin Saleh served as a teacher. Several years later, in 1951 Abon continuing education to Labuhan Haji Darussalam Dayah South Aceh district, led by Alm. Teungku Wali Sheikh Muhammad Al-Khalidi is better known by the call Abuya Mudawali.
Abon study in Dayah Darusalam approximately seven years, and in the year 1958 Abon Dayah LPI returning to the Masjid Raya Mudi Samalanga to develop their knowledge. In that year the leadership of the Grand Mosque Dayah LPI Mudi Samalanga died, so Abon was appointed the leader Dayah.
Abon Samalanga Aziz began his career as a wet nurse leader from 1958 to 1989. Since dayah LPI Mudi Grand Mosque was under his leadership, many changes occurred in it, especially with regard to the educational curriculum which is not too focused on science equipment (aids) manthiq science, usul, parrots, etc. ma'ani.
However, during his leadership education curriculum more highly prominent in the field of science manthiq so Abon held by Al-manthiqi.
Abon very disciplined and have a tremendous passion in teaching, so sometimes in a state of pain he feels fit to teach, and always meamanahkan his students for teaching and learning (beut-seumubeut). In his teaching, Abon wahabiyah hate ideology that he never tired of ideology in the parse error.
Rapid progress
During Abon leadership, progress dayah Mudi Mesra increasing rapidly, the number of students from hundreds to thousands, the physical building dayah also expanded in accordance with the development of an era that continues to move forward. Apart from activity in dayah Abon, Abon also opened a weekly study group in Jeunieb (better known as Balee Hameh) every once a week.
In addition to the missionary activities through a panel study, Abon also physical development, such as building roads into the garden in the village of Gle MENDONG Samalanga and working on fields that have been neglected for years together with his students and helping the local community. Overall, he did for the economic life of society.
Abon has also been providing support to political parties, party like, Abon vote for the party in the background to the ideology Ahlussunnah wal Jama `ah.
There is one message that is often mandated by his students that the teaching-learning (beut-seumubeut) wherever located and in any case when the conditions have been returned from foster mother later, although with a hall in front of his house. Such messages have been internalized in the minds of his disciples, so that now it can be seen with many foster mother and study halls, led by alumni of the Grand Mosque Mudi Dayah LPI.
Finally, Abon recalled his kehadharat on 9 Jumada End 1409/17 January 1989 with 58 years of age cap in Samalanga, and the body of his foster mother's son buried in the complex of the Grand Mosque LPI Mudi Samalanga Bireuen. (Tgk. Wildan, Secretary of Department of Shariah STAI Al-Aziziyah Bireun)